Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tips On How To Train Your Dog

Often dogs are adopted by owners who don’t fully contemplate owning a pet. Having a dog in the family requires the right preparation. They must be trained properly in order for them not to get into trouble. You can use this advice if you would like to train a dog you have adopted.

Giving your dog proper treats is the best way to train. Reward your dog with some treats right after they obey an order. It can create confusion for dogs if rewards are sporadic and not administered at the correct times.

Make sure to let your pet know a crate is their home initially. Whenever it’s time for them to eat, place their food bowl into the crate and leave the door open when eating. This will help the dog make a positive association between the food and the crate.

You need to establish regular feeding routines for your dog. Feed your dog twice a day and only leave his food dish out for fifteen minutes. This will help your dog learn his feeding schedule. Your dog will quickly finish their meal before you remove their dish.

Ensure that the mood is calm as you approach your dog. While playtime is valuable for every pet, dogs ought to be calm whenever you come into a room. Try to ignore your dog when your first enter the room because this will help to keep them calm and reinforce that you are in control.

Before your dog can learn a new command it will take several repetitions. It is said that a human only masters something when they do it 10,000 times, and dogs are no different, although it should take much less repetitions than that! Try using the command more often and be very patient if you want your dog to learn.

To keep your dog compliant with his training, be sure to continue the process well after he has performed the way that you have hoped. Often, people feel that they don’t need to continue working with their dog after it has finished training. Some dogs will revert back to negative behaviors if the training does not continue. For this reason, it is especially important to hold your dog to a strict disciplinary system.

It’s important to avoid inadvertently encouraging inappropriate behavior if you want your dog to learn. In other words, you must avoid showering your pet with treats or rewards in response to performing some unwanted behavior. For example, don’t rub your dog’s head when they jump up at you and when you come in the door if you don’t want them to jump.

Do not allow your pet to become complacent in his training. Establish a clear set of rules and stick with it at all times. Many owners believe that once training is over, the dog will be set for life. Like their human owners, pets truly are creatures of habit. It is important that the training your dog receives is reinforced regularly.

Shock collars are not a good idea. These devices are expensive and do not always work as well as you would expect them to. Plus, using shock collars could discourage your dog in having good behavior. Usually if you do this your dog will respond in the wrong way.

Avoid training devices which are high end such as shock collars. They are both expensive and unlikely to work properly. In addition, shock collars and some similar items can actually discourage your dog from practicing good behavior. The negative training causes negative outcomes.

As the dog improves, greater freedom can be granted. The balance between freedom and obedience is a rewarding one. Like most things, too much freedom can be counterproductive, so exercise caution with certain liberties.

Come up with a phrase that you can teach your puppy during house training. Whenever the dog is taken out, use the term you have chosen to refer to the process of relieving him or herself, and the pet will make a mental link between going outside and doing just that.

When your pet hears you speak the word ‘no’, your dog must understand that a response is not expected. If you are training a pet, find a positive way to reward them. Saying ‘no’ does not teach your dog how to react. There is a difference in all dogs and training should be customized.

Practice patience when you are training your dog. Staying patient will help all parties to avoid frustration. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.

Never stop training your dog. Just because your dog isn’t a puppy, it doesn’t meant his learning stops. You need to concentrate on positive behavior to make sure of ongoing obedience. When you do this, negative behavior should stop.

Teaching a new puppy to “leave it” is very important and one of the first commands that you should work on. It ensures they don’t eat food they shouldn’t, chew on items not intended to be chewed on or even pick up dangerous or poisonous items in their mouth.

Keep count of the number of treats you feed your dog because you do not want him or her to get fat. It’s very easy to overlook how many treats you give your dog, especially during a training session, but they add up if you don’t pay attention.

You indicate that jumping up is an unacceptable behavior by grabbing the dogs paws, squeezing gently and guiding them back down to the ground. Do something that makes them uncomfortable so that they can associate their action with something negative. They will stop doing this behavior since it will be associated with a negative feeling.

All dog trainers would be wise to introduce their dogs to social settings often. It is important for your dog to understand how they should behave around humans and other pets. This will help in reducing sporadic behavior when it comes to new environments, also.

Be consistent when training your dog. If you have a large family ensure everyone is involved with the dog training. Your puppy will learn quickly if you only use a few different words and always expect the same behavior.

Even if you’ve had an untrained dog for some time now, you still may use the following information to make sure your dog is trained properly. It is important to act as quickly as possible before the dog causes harm to someone because they do not know any better.

Keep track of how many treats used to reward your dog every day for a healthy diet. You can’t ignore the calories that treats contain, though many individuals do.

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